Showing posts with label MRCP 1. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MRCP 1. Show all posts

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Mnemonics and Study Tips for Medical Students 2nd Edition

A collection of Medical Mnemonics both in Basic Science (Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Pathology ect) and Clinical Science (Medicine, Surgery, Gynecology & Obstetrics, Dermatology, Radiology, Pediatrics, Psychiatry etc) and Medical Study Tips. 1.6 MB file which every medical student must have.
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Friday, 20 January 2012

100 Cases in Clinical Medicine

The cases are brilliant, well laid out and well thought through, easy to understand and very useful. -- Final year student, Royal Free and University Coll I will definitely be using this book in the run up to finals. -- Final year students, Liverpool Medical School The clear, concise style makes this book a great adjunct when learning medicine, and an invaluable revision tool. -- Guy's Gazette 

DOWNLOAD 100 Cases in Clinical Medicine

Friday, 13 January 2012

Download Blueprints Surgery for free

More than just Board review for USMLE, Steps 2 & 3, Blueprints Surgery, 3rd edition can help you during clerkship rotations and subinternship. The new edition has been updated with the help of residents to maintain a student-to-student approach. Features include:
Concise, accurate, clinical high-yield content covering all you need to know for the USMLE and rotations
USMLE style questions with full explanations provided in the answers
Key Points in every section highlighting the most important, high-yield information for each topic
Color-enhanced design to increase the usefulness of figures and table.

Download Blueprints Surgery

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine

2010 BMA Book Awards - First Prize - Medicine category. "This book is comprehensive, student friendly (if still intimidating in size!) and covers such a vast breadth of knowledge. It still remains the primary 'must-have' text book of any budding doctor, or qualified one at that. This book is stunning in its breadth and in its ease of use. It still remains as the 'gold-standard' thorough guide to clinical medicine its forefathers were." (BMA Judges' quote). "Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine" is known, respected and admired by medical students, doctors and health professionals throughout the world. It provides in one volume a comprehensive and authoritative source of information on the management and treatment of medical problems. Clarity of writing, a hallmark of "Kumar and Clark", has been combined with a colourful and attractive presentation and a companion website to produce a complete resource of medical information. "Kumar and Clark" is now regarded as the one book that every aspiring and qualified doctor should own.

DOWNLOAD Kumar and Clark's Clinical Medicine