Showing posts with label Medical Mnemonics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Medical Mnemonics. Show all posts

Friday, 1 February 2013

Medical Mnemonics: Beck's triad (cardiac tamponade) 3 D's

Beck's triad (cardiac tamponade) 3 D's: 

Distant heart sounds

Distended jugular veins 

Decreased arterial pressure

Medical Mnemonics: Pellagra 3 D's

3 D's of Pellagra 




Saturday, 24 March 2012

Thursday, 2 February 2012

Mnemonics and Study Tips for Medical Students 2nd Edition

A collection of Medical Mnemonics both in Basic Science (Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry, Pharmacology, Pathology ect) and Clinical Science (Medicine, Surgery, Gynecology & Obstetrics, Dermatology, Radiology, Pediatrics, Psychiatry etc) and Medical Study Tips. 1.6 MB file which every medical student must have.
DOWNLOAD Mnemonics and Study Tips for Medical Students

[Share this file with your friends too]

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Causes of Acute Renal Failure | Mnemonic

Causes of Acute Renal Failure

[Patients can't "VOID RIGHT"]

V asculitis

O bstruction

I nfection

D rugs (acute tubular necrosis)

R enal artery stenosis

I nterstitial nephropathy

G lomerular nephropathy

H ypovolemia

T hromboembolism

Friday, 2 December 2011

Lithium: Uses | Mnemonic

Lithium: Uses



Inappropriate ADH secretion syndrome (SIADH)

Bipolar disorder

Recurrent neuropsychiatric syndrome


Treatment of Retinal Detachment | Mnemonic

Treatment of Retinal Detachment

"6 S"

Sealing of retinal breaks

SRF drainage (SRF is Subretinal fluid)

Scleral buckling

SF6 pneumatic retinopexy

Sectioning vitreous (vitrectomy)

laSer prophylaxis

Retinal detachment: Features | Mnemonic

Retinal detachment: Features

"4 F's"

Floaters (small dark spots on a bright background are usually harmless)


Field loss

Falling acuity

[Thanks to Lifehugger]

Monday, 28 November 2011

Cataracts: causes | Mnemonic

Cataracts: causes




Toxicity (steroids, etc)



Abnormal metabolism (diabetes mellitus, Wilson's)

Saturday, 26 November 2011

Rolling hernia (Paraoesophageal hernia) : clinical features | Mnemonic

Rolling hernia (Paraoesophageal hernia) : clinical features


Abdominal pain

Bloating (post prandial bloating)

Chest pain, Cardiac abnormality (arrhythmia)

Dysphagia , Dyspnoea

Elderly (common)

Features with Gangrene/bleeding/perforation


Branches of Vagus nerve | Mnemonic

Branches of Vagus nerve


A- Auricular nerve
P- Pharyngeal nerve
E- Esophageal plexus
S- Superior laryngeal nerve (Gives internal 'sensory' and external 'motor' LN)
C- Cardiac branches
R- Recurrent laryngeal nerve
A- Anterior Vagal Trunk
P- Posterior Vagal Trunk

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Pulmonary embolism: Radiological features | Mnemonic

Pulmonary embolism: Radiological features

"O.O H.E.LP"

Oligemia of affected lung field

Opacities (wedge shaped; can be of any size & shape)

Hemidiaphragm elevation

Pleural Effusion

Large Pulmonary artery

ECG: ST elevation | Mnemonic

ECG: ST elevation


E lectrolytes

L BBB (Left Bundle Branch Block)

E arly Repolarization

V entricular hypertrophy

A neurysm

T reatment (eg pacemaker, pericardiocentesis)

I njury (AMI, contusion)

O sborne waves (hypothermia)

N on-occlusive vasospasm (prinzmetal’s)

Causes of Deep Vein Thrombosis | Mnemonic

[Thanks to "Medical Mnemonics" page]

Causes of Deep Vein Thrombosis



Hormones - OCP's

Recent MI

Operations- cholecystectomy

Malignancy (pelvic & abd.)

Blood disorder(polycythemia), Behcets disease

Obesity, Old age, Ortho. surgery



Serious illness

Indications for Tonsillectomy | Mnemonic

Indications for Tonsillectomy

Tonsillectomy is indicated when a Tonsil ''HARMS''

Hypertrophy with hoarseness

Abscess (Peritonsillar - Quinsy)

Recurrent sore throat

Malignancy is suspected

Seizures (Febrile seizures due to Tonsillitis)

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Left iliac fossa: Causes of pain Mnemonic

Left iliac fossa: Causes of pain


Sigmoid diverticulitis

Ureteric colic


Ectopic pregnancy

Rectus sheath haematoma

Colorectal carcinoma

Left sided lower lobe pneumonia

Ovarian cyst (rupture, torture)

Threatened abortion/ Testicular torsion

Stroke – management Mnemonic

Stroke – management


A Advice – lifestyle changes e.g. stop smoking, reduce alcohol intake, lose

B BP control

C Cholesterol control

D Diabetes control

E Elastic stockings (prophylaxis for DVT, PE)

F Fibrillation (anticoagulate, rate control and cardiovert as required)

G Guardian drugs (aspirin, ACE inhibitors, etc)

H Help from occupational therapy (OT), speech and language therapy (SALT)
and specialist stroke nurse

I Incontinence care and limit Immobility (pressure sores and contractures may
develop otherwise)

Initial management of all surgical emergencies Mnemonic

Initial management of all surgical emergencies

4 Aʼs, 2 Cʼs, 2 Nʼs

A ABC assessment
A Analgesia, eg morphine
A Anti-emetic
A Aggressive fluid resuscitation – IV fluids and electrolyte replacement
C Central venous pressure (CVP) line – may be needed
C Catheter (urinary)
N Nil by mouth (NBM)
N Nasogastric (NG) tube

Little's area (NOSE): Arteries Mnemonics

Little's area (NOSE): Arteries

" LEGS "

L - superior Labial artery
E - anterior Ethmoidal artery
G - Greater palatine artery
S - Sphenopalatine artery

Cohort study Mnemonics

Cohort study

"I C(see) a PEARL"


Cohort study

Prospective study


Attr_ risk

Relative risk can b calculated

Large number of subjects and Long follow up